Sunday, January 22, 2012

There's No Perfect Moment When It Comes To Reaching Our Dreams.

There will always be difficulties. There will always be doubt. There will always be fear.

There is no perfect moment to start, because all beginnings are awkward and uncertain. But what's important is that we begin, right now - wherever we are, and whatever our circumstances are.

When it comes to our dreams, only the present matters. Because we don't know if there will be tomorrow. We don't know whether we'll be given another chance to execute all our plans and to put everything in action.

So, like the statement of my favorite preacher, Bo Sanchez, during his talk this morning...

Don’t wait for the perfect moment before you do what you must do. Write that book. Start that project. Build that ministry. Reach for that dream. Just do it!

There's no better moment than now.

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