Thursday, January 12, 2012

We Can't Control What Happens To Us, But We Can Control How We React To What Happens To Us.

I've had lots of frustrations in my life, and I realized that many of them are caused by disappointments over failure to control those that I wanted to control - such as other people and the outcome of certain events surrounding me.

And together with this is another realization, that the world is too big and we're but a tiny part of it. How can we expect to control the way it spins? And, the people around us are way too complicated - how can we expect them to think single-mindedly and act according to our will? Now we are not dictators, are we?

Yes, the only thing we can really control are ourselves, the way we behave, and the way we react to situations. Still, I often forget this and end up frustrated, at war not so much with the world and people around me as with myself.

I need to be reminded of this every time:

That people will hurt us. They will offend us. They will anger us. They will do certain things that will violate our rights and values. Sometimes they'll do it intentionally, sometimes they won't.

And we don't have control over these things. The only thing we can control in these situations is our reaction. Do we react according to our impulse, without thinking, and give in to a sudden rush of unbridled emotions? Or do we take some pause and realize that we are in charge of the situation?

Some people will test us. They'll summon every negative element that we have in our body - but should we give in? If we do, we lose control, and we know the consequences. We utter words or do things that we'd regret afterwards.

Today, I pray that I be constantly reminded that although I may not have full control of my emotions - I could get angry or get hurt anytime - I have full control of my actions. May I have the wisdom to always exercise that control to the fullest.

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