Friday, February 10, 2012

The Feeling Of Excitement Is One Of The Best Things In The World.

It's been a long time since I last felt this kind of feeling - that feeling of restlessness, of butterflies in the stomach, of desiring something so strongly that it's almost painful... 

That moment when you can't think of anything else except that one thing that makes you feel all anxious, nervous, and excited all at the same time... 

That moment when you want something so bad yet you're so scared to grab it, but then deep within your heart and soul you have already claimed it to be yours...

That moment when you can't sleep and all you do is toss and turn in bed thinking about that one thing that you desire, until you feel all bursting with energy...

This feeling is so rare and precious. And, it's during moments like this when I feel most alive, burning with passion and consumed by a fire so real I almost feel scorched.

This kind of excitement - it's one of the best things about being human and about being alive.

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