Friday, March 30, 2012

Money Is Just A Means.

Once you reach a certain point in your life when you lose money and you barely have enough to get you through the next meal, and you live with the conscious fear of something going amiss in your life with you having no financial capability to face it, it's so easy to make yourself believe that everything will get better when money comes. That you'll finally be happy when you have money.

And then money comes, but you don't get the satisfaction that you thought you'd have. And then you realize - money isn't the answer to everything. Yes, you need it to survive, but you need more than that. At the end of it all, money (and all those that it can give you) is just a means. It is never the end.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Putting A Timer On Love.

Love is one of the things in this world that you can't plan. It just happens. You just feel it. It comes from out of nowhere. Oops, slash that one last statement out. No, it doesn't always come out of nowhere. Sometimes, you recognize a feeling close to it at its earlier stage, but you're not sure. You feel the emotion bloom until one day you realize - it's love. There are instances when you feel it coming.

With this being true, of being able to feel love when it comes to you, is it possible to put a timer on it? To tell it 'Hey, not yet. I still have some things to sort out in my life. Just let me get done polishing all the small details in my life that need polishing, so that I'll be all prepared for you'? Really, can you get ready for love? Is it something you can prepare for? Can you really have some form of control over it? Can you tell love 'Hey, I'll be ready for you at this time, once I have already taken care of this particular issue that I need to take care of'?

I guess that's what I've been doing all along, putting a timer on love. I feel it coming and I tell it 'Wait! Not yet! I still have to sort this thing out! Be here once I'm done with this one!' And even when I feel it already, getting closer and closer, I try to shut it out and ignore it because I'm not yet done dealing with my issues. I'm not sure if this is one good way to deal with it, but this is the best way that I know. I just hope the timer won't run out before I'm ready.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Break What's Not Broken.

Break what’s not broken, ____. What brought you to where you are now may not bring you to where I want you to go.

This was the message that I got the last time I checked the GodWhispers newsletter that is regularly sent to my email, and I can't help but wonder what God is telling me with this message. 

That I should let go of all the things that I've always believed in and begin anew? To look at life and deal with it from a different side or a different point? Is this an answer to my dilemma? Or maybe I'm just putting some self-serving meaning into this message - that's one thing I worry about.

Or maybe it has something to do with my one great dream. Fear should have no place here anymore. And over-analysis. And a conservative approach. Maybe my life needs some radical change. Create some mess. Start some disturbance. Maybe that's it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tears Won't Make Things Better.

You cry yourself to sleep last night, feeling helpless about the situation you're in and hoping that the stars will grant your wish and the universe will finally have a good turn. But when you wake up in the morning, you realize you're in the same situation and you have not advanced, not one step. You're as confused as you were the night before. And all you got are puffy eyes that you wish you would be able to conceal as you go about the day's tasks.

Your tears can only do so much. The relief that they bring is temporary and short-lived. Better not waste them.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Importance Of Certainty.

You won't really be able to understand how important certainty is until you get into a situation that makes you truly uncertain and immobile, and you realize that certainty is the only thing that will keep your sanity intact.

Because without it, everything becomes unstable. One moment you feel so sure about the option you're about to pick, and the next moment you become as confused as before. And without certainty, everything turns suspicious. Even the most innocent of statements can send you in a frenzy of doubt and questions. Without certainty, you begin to search for meanings behind words, to look for something deeper underneath what you see in the surface.

But in the end, you realize that the problem is you. And that the key to your dilemma lies within you. That you have the power to turn things around. All you need is a grasp of certainty for things to become stable and clear.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

On Focus, Discipline, Choices.

Each of us is surrounded by thoughts, feelings, things, circumstances... And sometimes they clash with each other, they make up a mess inside us, and they cause chaos.

But while we cannot control what surround us, in some way we have control over what affect us. It's all about focus. It's all about discipline. It's all about directing our consciousness towards where we want it to remain.

I was in church this morning, and again I felt this flutter of confusion and panic that's always bugged me the past few weeks every time I would look at myself and assess the direction I'm taking. And again I'd had this strong desire to escape, to think of other things, to redirect my thoughts. And I realized how helpless I am at the moment, how confused I am about the things that I want and the things that I should want. And again I felt like I'm heading nowhere, and that at the end of it all I'll be making a big mess that I wouldn't know how to fix. And then these questions... Why can't all these be right? Why can't I want the right things? Why can't I make things simpler by just going for what's right, thus avoiding all the complications and all questions and all these haunting thoughts? But I know I can't. I can't go for the simple. I can't go for what's right. I can't go for the safe choice. I want my happiness. And I want the happiness of someone. Is that too much to ask?

And then I realized, I've lost the priest's sermon - I had no idea what he was talking about. The mass went to waste because I wasn't there. I had to refocus. I had to redirect my attention. And I realized the same is true with life.

What we focus on today becomes our tomorrow. If I focus on the right and the simple choice, tomorrow I'll be safe and I'll probably get my peace of mind. But will I be happy? I don't know. I just know that I can't risk it. I'm so scared of having regrets. The safe and the simple aren't enough anymore. I need something stronger. I need a reason that's strong enough to last, strong enough for me to hold on to when the confusion begins.

If I can only find the discipline to focus my mind to see what I really want and not be swayed by all my  conflicting thoughts and emotions, maybe it will all be easier. But then again, at this point, I can only wish it'd be that simple.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Lesson About Being Yourself.

With all the mess that's part of you. With the chaos and the imperfections and the low days. With all that comes with the unique package that you are.

When you stop planning all your days and you find yourself wading through life with none of your preconceived activities and none of the labels you put to your every hour, you will find your true self emerge. And even if your experience is not so good, you'll appreciate all the things you will find about yourself.

Friday, March 23, 2012

All Things Work Out For The Good.

No matter how wrong things go, we must always trust that they are leading towards the exact direction where they're supposed to lead. And even if we go astray once in a while, we must have faith in the reason behind the incident. The reason is always worth considering. And the lesson is always worth keeping.

After all, there is always someone out there who knows just how things must go.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

No Matter How Hard We Try To Make Things Work, Something Almost Always Goes Awry.

It's probably to remind us that we don't have total control of the things around us, even of things that directly involve us. That life is not really all about doing it alone, that the outcome of things is always determined by the actions of two or more people joining together to create something out of nothing, that we are all connected to each other and that the action of one person will always affect the other. Maybe we should welcome the imperfections - it's to remind us of our humanity and our weakness. 

After all, only God is perfect. I remember our pastor telling us in one of his teachings - we should not expect a lot from people because they are imperfect, they are bound to disappoint us sooner or later. If we must expect anything at all, we must expect from God. 

If only I can remember this all the time, maybe life will be so much better.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You Can.

Whatever trouble life hands you, know that there is a way. When you get into a tight spot and you see walls all around you, know that there is a door somewhere.

You are not created to be a loser; you are created to win. You are far more than your trials, far greater than your failures. You have what it takes to surpass all the challenges that come your way.

You can!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Have You Ever Disliked Someone For No Specific Reason At All?

Except, perhaps, because you find the person mean? Or because that person rubs you the wrong way? Or because your innermost intuition tells you that the person is not to be trusted?

And what do you do if that person is one of the closest friends of someone important to you?

Life's complicated. Argh!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Ingredients Of Happiness.

Important moments become extra special when shared...
With the people we care about and the people who matter to us.

Because in life, we have limited control of the experiences that we encounter and the people we share them with. What little control we have, we better put to great use. 

I think that's what happiness is all about - knowing that we have little control of all the things around us, yet exercising what little control we have to pick the right moments and experiences and to choose the people we share them with.

These moments, made up by the right experiences and the right people combined, are so rare; let's make them extra special.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

People Come And People Go.

We choose the people that we allow to stay in our life. We should never leave that choice to someone else - it is our choice to make.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Nothing In Life Is Permanent.

Sometimes, we get too attached to certain ideas - ideas of right and wrong, ideas that pertain to what we really want in life - and we think that those ideas are for forever. The ideas get so embedded in our life that we sometimes believe they'll be part of us for eternity, that they define the person that we are.

Until one day... Another idea comes along, another experience, another possibility... Strong enough to want us to let go of all those ideas we've previously believed in... Powerful enough to want us to throw away all those that we initially thought are the things that define us... And real enough to want us to empty ourselves of all those that we thought make up the person that we are, and to live a different life, try another path, maybe become another person, one that we've always wanted to be but have afraid of becoming because it contradicts with what we've always believed in.

And then we realize, nothing in life is permanent. What we believe in today, can be challenged tomorrow. What we think we want today, can change in a flick of a finger. All that we have built around us, those that secure us and those that define our identity, can crumble in an instant and leave us feeling like a totally different individual.

How do we deal with this? I guess we must always be ready to embrace the change.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Life's A Wheel.

And in time,
everything gets better.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Lesson About The Heart.

The heart is such a fragile part of the body, yet it's also very strong - it can endure a beating. You can take a heart and tear it to pieces, trample on it, yet you can expect it to remain whole and complete in the end.

But I think, the heart of every person can only handle up to a certain amount of pain, of confusion, of topsy-turvy emotions. The continuous occurrence of these also wears out the heart. It gets tired. It gets bruised. It gets broken. Sometimes it does give up. When the cause is lost. When there is no more reason to fight. When letting go becomes a better option.

But when nothing is left, what happens? Does the heart die? Does it die instantly, or does it die slowly? No, I don't think so. I don't think it dies. I believe that the heart never dies. It may stop beating for a while, but eventually it shall survive and live on.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We're Just Ordinary People.

"We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow (take it slow)"

We're just ordinary people.
We get confused.
We make mistakes.
We fall in love.
We get hurt.
Coz we're ordinary people.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Lesson About Being Neutral.

So I have this friend (A) who has an issue with someone (B), who I found out later on to also have an issue with her - the feeling's mutual, except they don't know that they feel the same towards each other. 

I decided to stay neutral and not intervene. Well, in other instances, I guess I would have intervened. After all, a friend is involved. It would be easy to tell my friend "Hey, this person you have an issue with also has an issue with you." 

But, I did not do that... Because the person who told me about it asked me not to tell. She's someone I care about (let's call her C), and I promised her I won't say a thing. It would have ended at that, except C is a friend of B, and C also has an issue with A because of some things she found out.

With A and C being both important to me, I just decided to step out of the situation - to simply listen to whatever they (including B) have to say about each other without doing anything and without letting them know about all the things I know.

It would have worked out perfectly well... Except sometimes, issues come up and things get complicated and I feel confused about stuff. I'd ask myself whether I'm doing the right thing staying neutral.

Every now and then, I'd have this strong desire to tell my friend A about the whole thing, but I'd always end up not doing it because of my promise to C. 

At other times, whenever things come up and whenever I hear stuff about the issue, I'd get this same strong desire to share my dilemma with C. But then again, I'd end up not doing it because I know she's a friend of B and I know how she feels about A. 

But it's hard! I get so confused every time an issue crops up and I have to pretend like I don't know a thing just so I could protect A and keep my promise to C.

And, guilt is already starting to eat at me! Whenever issues come up, I'd feel guilty for not telling A, and at the same time I'd feel guilty for not telling C. One moment I'd feel like I'm betraying one of them, and then the next moment I'd feel like I'm betraying the other person. Feels like I'm betraying both of them by staying neutral!


Sometimes, I just want to tell all of them "Hey, will you just leave each other alone and cut the pretense of being nice? If you have a problem with each other, then go away from each other and don't get involved with each other's life!"


Sunday, March 11, 2012

In Life, We Get Some And We Lose Some.

Life isn't all about gaining. Sometimes, it's also about losing. 

Whenever we make a choice, we must know that we will lose something as much as we will gain something. We can't have the good one without the bad one. That's just how life works. 

Perhaps, the only key to survival in this kind of system is to determine the things that we can afford to lose and those that we cannot. This will determine our decision. This will determine the choice.

Making the decision, picking a choice, isn't always easy... But if we know what's in our heart, and if we follow it, I believe we won't have regrets.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Stand Up.

For what you believe in.
For the things that you fight for.
For all your choices and your decisions.

Integrity is not only about doing the right thing. Sometimes, it's also about doing the wrong thing, for a reason, and standing up for it.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Let's See The Sunshine Within Ourself.

As much as it's important to be optimistic when looking at things outside of us - our life, other people, our experiences - it is as important that we also be optimistic when we look within ourself.

There are times when I look at myself and I see only the bad. Not healthy, I know. I just can't help this at certain times. 

I realize I have to be more gentle with myself and to also try to see the good things in me. I have weaknesses, but I also have strengths. There are certain things I'm not good at, but those are things that make me unique. If I'm good at those things, I'll probably not be good at the things I'm good at right now. So I guess, it ain't so bad at all.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Unexpected Blessings Bring The Most Happiness.

Today I have been blessed, and blessed abundantly. 

During the meeting at the office earlier this morning, our team was awarded the Team of the Month for February. I really didn't expect that coming, first because not all of us in the team aimed for extra productivity, and second because I have colleagues who went way beyond the incentive mark and produced a great number of output last month.

But, with some stroke of luck, we made it! I was really surprised when our name and photo appeared and we were called in front. And an added bonus - one of my teammates was awarded the Copywriter of the Month (and she's been receiving the award for three consecutive months now). Awesome!

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In Our Pursuit Of Happiness, There Are People That We Need To Let Go.

These are people who block the path to our happiness, those that keep us from enjoying the person that we truly are. 

They don't necessarily have to be bad people; sometimes these are people who care about us and people who mean well but are only programmed negatively such that they tend to drag us down with them. Sometimes they're family members, sometimes friends, at other times even our partner in life. 

Yes, I believe we should try our best to change them so that they, too, can be truly happy. But, if doing that is beyond our capacity or if we feel the matter is hopeless, the best thing to do is let go, move on, and soar to where we can find the happiness that we've been pursuing. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's Easy To Forget Everything When One Is Happy.

It's easy to do away with all the planning and just take life as it comes (which can be a good thing, in certain instances).

When one is happy...

It's easy to be complacent. It's easy to forget one's responsibilities. It's easy to ignore everything else.

If there's one moment when a person needs discipline the most, that is when he is happy.

Monday, March 5, 2012

At One Point In Our Life Or Another, We Choose Happiness Over The Good.

I guess this is a weakness, but isn't it that a great part of life revolves around the pursuit of happiness?

What's the good thing about doing the right thing if one is miserable?
If one feels shackled?
If one lives with regrets?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

You Can Only Serve One Master.

So you gotta pick. And you gotta pick wisely.

You have to go for the choice that will matter in the long run. Ten years from now, where are you gonna be? And during that time, which of the two options will still matter?

If only the world allows us to live different lives at any given moment, maybe things will not be too difficult. But it doesn't. We can only pick one. And once we have made our choice, we must be willing to give up all the other things that come with the option that we didn't choose. Hard, right? Well that's how it works.

My only prayer today is this: that I be true to myself at all times, and that I don't allow anybody, or anything, to determine the decision for me. And that I have the courage to face all the consequences of my actions, no matter how difficult or no matter how painful. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Follow Your Gut Feel.

"How about you, Frank Farmer? Out there on the edge. Haven't you done something that didn't make sense... except inside you? ln your stomach? l know you have. Because no one gets good without it. And l know you're good." - Rachel Marron, The Bodyguard

Why does it seem like the things I watch these days always have something to say that speak directly to me?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fix The Inside.

Everything outside of you begins inside. Your smile. Your tears. Everything.

You don't know the extent by which the things that live inside of you affect those that are outside of you - your actions, your reactions, everything that you do. Everything that you have inside will affect your career, your relationships, the way you see others and the world.

If you've got issues in whatever area of your life, all you have to do is to look within. More often than not, you will find out that the root is there. Tend to the roots. Pay attention to the source. Fix the inside. Only then can you experience the positive external change that you've been waiting for.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Something About Mistakes.

"Here's the thing about mistakes: sometimes, even when you know something's a mistake, you gotta make it anyway." - Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother

According to Lily (from the same TV series), sometimes, the only way to really know that something is a mistake is to make that mistake, and then later in life look back and say "yes, that was a mistake". The bigger mistake then is actually not doing the mistake, because our whole life we wouldn't really know if that thing is a mistake or not.
