Sunday, March 4, 2012

You Can Only Serve One Master.

So you gotta pick. And you gotta pick wisely.

You have to go for the choice that will matter in the long run. Ten years from now, where are you gonna be? And during that time, which of the two options will still matter?

If only the world allows us to live different lives at any given moment, maybe things will not be too difficult. But it doesn't. We can only pick one. And once we have made our choice, we must be willing to give up all the other things that come with the option that we didn't choose. Hard, right? Well that's how it works.

My only prayer today is this: that I be true to myself at all times, and that I don't allow anybody, or anything, to determine the decision for me. And that I have the courage to face all the consequences of my actions, no matter how difficult or no matter how painful. 

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