Thursday, March 22, 2012

No Matter How Hard We Try To Make Things Work, Something Almost Always Goes Awry.

It's probably to remind us that we don't have total control of the things around us, even of things that directly involve us. That life is not really all about doing it alone, that the outcome of things is always determined by the actions of two or more people joining together to create something out of nothing, that we are all connected to each other and that the action of one person will always affect the other. Maybe we should welcome the imperfections - it's to remind us of our humanity and our weakness. 

After all, only God is perfect. I remember our pastor telling us in one of his teachings - we should not expect a lot from people because they are imperfect, they are bound to disappoint us sooner or later. If we must expect anything at all, we must expect from God. 

If only I can remember this all the time, maybe life will be so much better.

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