Sunday, September 9, 2012

What Matters Most

Throughout life, there’s only one thing that really matters. At the end of everything, only one question will be asked to each one of us as we stand before the Father. One simple question, and we are given a lifetime to find an excellent answer. What comes into your mind?
How many trophies and medals have you gathered?
How much money have you earned?
How high was the position you reached?
How many words of praise have you received?
How many hands have touched yours in congratulations?
How many people cried during your death?
How many people still remember you after a year of perish?
These, and many more, may come to mind.
But really, only one thing matters. Everything else will be useless. Here is just the simple question to all of us –
How many people have you loved with all your heart?
Quite a simple question, and we have a lifetime to spend preparing our answers. Can we stand proud before the Lord someday and give an excellent answer to this question? Why not? We can start preparing now!

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