To serve is to make a sacrifice, and no sacrifice ever goes to waste.
Service is noble in that it transcends the basic human tendency to preserve one’s self and to pursue those things that cater to the self alone. When one serves, he lowers himself and lifts up the person he is serving, putting the needs of that person above the needs of the self. This is the ultimate act of heroism, and this act is universal – it is within the reach of everybody. Anyone can serve, young or old, men or women. And why not, we all have something to offer to others – our time, our efforts, our prayers, and our love. These things may seem simple, but they actually take much. They require will, dedication, consistency, and sincerity. A person can never truly serve without sincerity in his heart. It is sincerity that transmits one’s love to another. And in the absence of will, dedication, and consistency, it would be difficult to share one’s time and efforts.
Service is the emptying of the self, but in the process it is also the filling of the self. Wherever there is vacuum, an empty space, the universe rushes to fill it in. So when one empties himself in service, the emptiness is filled up fast – with more blessings. God always rewards those who empty themselves for others, and God always gives great rewards. After all, He is the ultimate giver, and as I have always been told, no one can outdo His generosity.
The joy in serving comes from the knowledge that we are making other people happy, that we are blessing their lives, and that we are leaving a legacy. Aside from this, it also comes from the knowledge that whatever we lose, we will reclaim – and we will be rewarded a hundred times. So come, let’s serve 
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