Happiness is a product of several things in our life. Our relationships. Our financial stability. Our overall growth. And a lot more. There’s no single standard rule to achieving it, no one defined way toward happiness. There are only different bridges that may help us reach it. One of these bridges is peace.
Peace with the past
Any excess baggage we carry from the past is a hindrance to our happiness. It could be an unsettled disagreement with a former friend, anger toward an ex-spouse, or a hidden grudge against a member of our family.
So let’s forgive, let go, and move on.
As has always been said, past is past, and we can do nothing about it.
The best move? Let’s not allow it to affect our present and our future. Let’s not let our past be a hindrance to our happiness.
Peace with the world
The world is always imperfect; it’s never been a paradise, and never will be. There will always be problems, there will always be dissensions, there will always be injustice.
There will always be traffics and rush hours. There will always be bitter people who will curse at others when they don’t get what they want. There will always be huge taxes, soaring commodity prices, rainy days, but so what? That’s the world. That’s life.
If something can be done, let’s do it. If not, so be it. Let’s not let daily hassles ruin what could otherwise be a happy day. As they say, we should all learn to accept what we cannot change.
Peace with ourselves
Our own worst critic is often ourselves. And as the world is never perfect, so is every person. Everyday, we will find flaws in ourselves. In the way we dress, in the way we deal with others, or in the way we perform our work. There will always be low days when we wouldn’t feel good about ourselves. But that’s just it. No one is perfect. Otherwise, life will lose its meaning.
So let’s accept our imperfections. Let’s forgive ourselves when we commit mistakes. Let’s understand that there’s always a great room for improvement in our life. Let’s recognize our abilities and success. Let us all love ourselves.
Happiness is not found in perfection. It can be found even in the imperfections in our past, in the world around us, and in ourselves, if we learn to come to terms with them… To not always be on the lookout for somebody to blame for them and to realize that some imperfections are doors leading to opportunities that will further improve our life.
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