That moment when finally, after the long battle between your emotions and your reason, you decide to just close your eyes, drown out the voices in your mind, and plunge deep into the unknown, following your gut feel - hoping against hope that all will be well in the end.
That moment when you are faced with a temptation so strong it's overwhelming - you can't help but simply fall despite all the bells of alarm ringing in your head.
That moment when you finally decide to just give it a go, to just live in that present moment where you're in, no matter what the consequences and no matter what the next moment will bring.
That moment in your life when you know you're venturing into forbidden territory, when you know you're doing something wrong and you might get caught anytime, but what the heck, to hell with everything else, you just want to get lost in the maze of your emotions and feel alive.
That moment in your life that is so wrong, yet so right. And you're so scared to do it, yet you did. And every time the voice in your head will bug you, you find consolation knowing that you are just following the voice of your heart.
Abandon is sweet.
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