Friday, February 3, 2012

Endings Can Be Scary.

Maybe because we're not really sure what the ending of the story will be. Or maybe because we know that the ending will not be what we want it to be. 

Times like this, I simply wish the journey would go on and on and on - without reaching the ending. I keep hoping that the travelers won't get weary, realize that the journey is taking so long, and start asking where the road is going, where the destination is, and when the waiting will be over.

Because I'm not sure what the ending will be, because I'm scared the ending will not be good, and I'm afraid that a bad ending might take away all the other good things I have with me right now. 

I'm enjoying the journey. I know I want to be where I'm in right now, but no I'm not ready for the ending yet... Though I know it's just around the corner. And it's all too real to ignore. A reality that's as scary as it's painful.

So for now, let the journey go on. No endings yet, please.

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