Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Love We Give Will Not Always Be Reciprocated, But We Should Continue to Love Anyway.

And this does not only apply to romantic love - it can apply to all kinds of love.

It is in man's nature to expect love in return when love is given, but this is a failed venture. When one always expects love in return to a love that is given, sooner or later that person will be disappointed. Because not all the people that we love will love us back. Yes, sometimes they will, but not in the way we want them. We should always be ready for this, and the only way we can be ready is to simply love without expectations.

This year, I've resolved to love more - to care more for the people around me, to prioritize them over things, and to be more expressive, especially to those that I value. I had so much hope at the beginning of the year, and I can say that I'm succeeding (yeehee!). There were some downfalls, however, when I felt that some of the people around me did not appreciate what I was doing, and for a while that bothered me.

But then, I remembered my main purpose - to simply love more. Loving is simple, but we sometimes make it complicated because of our expectations. When I was able to see my situation and told myself that I should simply continue to love, without expecting, because this is my real purpose, I have finally become at peace with myself.

Today I am content, giving out love and cheer to the people around me without too much expectations of receiving their love in return. It also helps to know that there are people, few they may be, who share their love with me with all their heart.

I'll keep on loving :)

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