Love is one of the things in this world that you can't plan. It just happens. You just feel it. It comes from out of nowhere. Oops, slash that one last statement out. No, it doesn't always come out of nowhere. Sometimes, you recognize a feeling close to it at its earlier stage, but you're not sure. You feel the emotion bloom until one day you realize - it's love. There are instances when you feel it coming.
With this being true, of being able to feel love when it comes to you, is it possible to put a timer on it? To tell it 'Hey, not yet. I still have some things to sort out in my life. Just let me get done polishing all the small details in my life that need polishing, so that I'll be all prepared for you'? Really, can you get ready for love? Is it something you can prepare for? Can you really have some form of control over it? Can you tell love 'Hey, I'll be ready for you at this time, once I have already taken care of this particular issue that I need to take care of'?
I guess that's what I've been doing all along, putting a timer on love. I feel it coming and I tell it 'Wait! Not yet! I still have to sort this thing out! Be here once I'm done with this one!' And even when I feel it already, getting closer and closer, I try to shut it out and ignore it because I'm not yet done dealing with my issues. I'm not sure if this is one good way to deal with it, but this is the best way that I know. I just hope the timer won't run out before I'm ready.
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