We all lead busy lives today. We try to accomplish as many tasks as we can, pursue as many goals as we can, and possess as many material things as we can. In the midst of all these, it’s so easy to get lost, to lose sight of our real purpose.
We’re all in the middle of distractions, and we often find ourselves unable to prioritize the things that really matter in our life – our family, our faith, our health, and all those things that stay with us to the very end.
It is during these times when God taps us on the shoulder, to remind us to slow down and take things easy in order for us to see what really matters. The only big question is this: do we pay attention to God’s tap? Or are we so busy with our lives and so engrossed with ourselves that we don’t pay attention to anything else? Sometimes, we don’t feel God’s touch because we are covered by the things we consider important. We fail to recognize the signs God sends us, or we simply ignore them, because we don’t want to stop, we’re all rushing toward wherever it is we think we need to go.
And when God sees that we’re heading toward the wrong direction, that we’re starting to be slaves to worldly things, He puts a little pressure on His tap to be sure that we feel it. Some people experience failure, some people get sick – we are given a little something that slows down the fast pace of our life, in order to give us time to think and to look at ourselves, evaluate the direction we’re taking and realize once again what things really matter.
God’s tap is filled with love. Sometimes, the pressure is necessary to awaken us from the worldly trance that we are in. Nevertheless, we are all assured that when God taps us on the shoulder, it is with love and concern for our welfare. If we experience failure in any way, if we’ve been sick or grieving, God has probably just tapped us on the shoulder to slow us down or to rescue us from the wrong path that we’re taking. And if we think we are lost, we can always ask God for a tap on our shoulder so that we’ll see the right direction we need to take.
[Also posted in my Facebook page]